

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: running around with the chooks under the pear tree. She loves this time of year for the straight-from-the-tree-fruit-eating-opportunities.
Otto: now defending himself against Sofia's frequent raspberry attacks with a bit of uncoordinated hair pulling, although he usually revels in the big-sister attention (she is just out of shot ready to lay one on him).

Sofia has started saying "stop it!" and putting her hand out (celeb style) when I try and take photos of her so I was thinking I might have to get the big lens out and employ a more paparazzi approach. Interestingly Jodi talks about cajoling Che in her post today so there may be some handy hints in the comments over there.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.


  1. beautiful images, now following x

  2. love your photos this week! So colorful and so vibrant! :) And I love the quilt your little guy is laying on. Did you make that?

    1. Hi summer, thanks for commenting - the quilt was made by my good friend Miriam (and is technically Sofia's).

  3. I love the angle you took Otto's picture on.
