
Happy Birthday Sofia

Sofia is 2!

To celebrate we had the now traditional birthday lamington on her actual birthday, followed by carrot cake on the weekend when our friends Helen, John and Chiara joined us at Spring Beach (where we were holidaying for the week). Sofia has learnt to blow out candles since last year and she loves singing Happy Birthday...

Last year I did a photo-a-month montage and used it as the birthday party invite (also posted here). This year I wanted to do something similar.

When I looked back on the photos I realised
1) I took less photos this past year (I blame being pregnant for most of the year and feeling poorly and/or exhausted)
2) the photos taken deteriorated in quality, only perking up in October (my iPhone died a slow death and was replaced plus we got a new camera just prior to Otto's birth)

So the twelve photos weren't picked strictly per month (as some months were leaner than others) and I also couldn't be bothered battling a piece of graphics software this year so there will be no montage :)

A big year for our little girl. From tentative steps to galloping strides, baldy beauty to curly locks, baby babble to serious sentences and last but by no means least, only child to big sister. 

Happy Birthday Sofia!


  1. Happy belated birthday little Fia! It certainly has been a big year for you! Sending you big kisses from Shell, Tom, Grace and Gilbert!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you librarygirl!

      The blog is a bit of a baby love fest at the moment with the 52 project - we will have to make an effort to get back to some house/garden/preserving posts.
