

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: swinging - one of her favourite things.
Otto: trying the stroller for size.

We went blackberry picking yesterday. Our friends knew a place in Fern Tree with berries and a playground - what more could we want? Unfortunately it was a little wet and chilly and the berries weren't that plentiful, but it was a fun outing none-the-less (made all the better with hot cups of tea from the thermos and some of Helen's delicious jam slice). The weather did not deter Sofia who fearlessly scaled the ladder to the (rather tall) slide and took turns with Chiara on the swing. Otto got to model some woollies and also take a turn in the stroller - he has outgrown the bassinet on the pram!

Last week I loved Bo's beautiful happy face from Inked In Colour and Atticus on the phone from boy eats kasha.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.


  1. We also went blackberry picking yesterday! We live in Richmond. Love the colours in these.

  2. Thanks for the mention! What gorgeous photographs!!
