

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: nose in a book.
Otto: enjoying his new ball.

Sofia loves books and can often be found in the book corner of the sunroom with piles of her favourites around her. She has been very chatty this week, entertaining us with prolonged story-driven monologues.

I bought Otto a ball this week and he has spent a fair amount of time attached to it. As Ian pointed out - there are a lot of nipples to enjoy!

I didn't look at a lot of portraits this week, but one that caught my eye was Lamb and her chocolate milk.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


  1. Love the new ball pic! We have the same ball except blue and he loves it, has much fun kicking it towards the dogs head :)

  2. The ball picture is absolutely adorable!
