

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: Eating grapes. At nearly two, her curls have only just come in.
He has impressive expressive eyebrow control (like his mama).

Having always been a bit of a "deadline Dora" it is not really surprising that these photos were taken this morning. I am finding that I have a lot of Sofia photos to choose from, but it can be difficult to get something suitable of Otto.

Lots of lovely comments from other participants last week, I am trying to get a minute to return the feedback.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.


  1. I find my children are the opposite, I have a 2 year old and a 6 month old, and photos of the biggest are hard to come by. Close p, non-blurry ones at least, as he' always on the go. My baby is much easier to capture, because he doesn't move as much (I.e. run away from me!) xxx

  2. Look at her cheeks, looks likes she is hiding some grapes, so cute, and the curls divine .
    Otto is so serious, but no less cute

    Nice to meet you xxx

  3. Wow, they are so alike! A gorgeous pair x

  4. Her hair is going to be so beautiful! And Otto is such a gorgeous boy!

  5. The seriousness of Otto's face makes me giggle. He seems like such a character.

  6. lovely :) do you have very curly hair? I do - ringlets of the stuff... but my 6 month old daughter appears to have the straightest locks out... my fingers have been crossed since conception for curls lol

    1. My hair is wavy (as is my husband's) and was much like Sofia's when I was small, although a bit darker.

      Sofia has only really just got a head of hair, for the longest time she was a bit of a baldy.

  7. Oh my your little ones are so adorable!! Cant wait to see more pictures from you!

  8. They are so sweet. Oh and I am definitely in love with Otto's quilt.
    Have a beautiful week.

    1. The quilt was made by my dear friend Miriam and is actually Sofia's - Otto was just borrowing it that day :)
