

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: likes to clean and is independently motivated to do so!?!
Otto: getting stuck into any food on offer.

The kids got new sleeping bags this week to keep them nice and cosy over winter. It has to be said that Otto's feet only make it half way down the legs of his suit. Sofia was pretty excited the first night they wore them so I took some shots of them together, a bit blurry, but too cute not to post.

My favourites this week are all about the feet (I have a bit of a soft spot for baby feet - I still have a photo of Sofia's feet taken in the first week of her life as my phone lock screen) - Sawyer's toes, Louis and Miss Penelope Violet (bonus cat feet!) plus Parker's peek-a-boo toe.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel


  1. Sofia's welcome to come and clean at my place ;0)
    Gorgeous photos and I love the sleep suits.

  2. Thank you for adding us to your favourites.
    I love a little helper and stripes x

  3. Could you please work out a way to bottle Sofia's enthusiasm for cleaning and send it over, I'd like to dab a drop or two behind the ears of my husband and little one ;-) Also loving Otto's little hands. Adorable! Belinda x

  4. Great stripey sleep suits!!
    And that leg action is fabulous

  5. What cute and active little ones you have!

  6. Nothing is cuter than footed pajamas... even if your feet only go halfway down. Beautiful babies. =)
