

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: waiting to show Daddy her hat.
Otto: enamoured with his big sister (and a little bit scared too).

We made this crown for Sofia one afternoon this week and when I mentioned she could show it to Daddy when he came home from work she raced to the red chair (that allows her to look out the window and down the path) as if he would be arriving on cue. Unfortunately he was more than an hour off so we called him instead. It was just a voice call (a lot her calls to family are Skype), but it did the trick and by the time he actually arrived home the crown was forgotten. Toddlers really are all about immediacy - this point in time, right now.

Sofia is sitting just out of shot in the photo of Otto. As might be expected he is enamoured with his big sister (and she him) and he likes to watch her, often with a big grin on his face. Sometimes his look of glee turns to terror as she gets a little too rough. The red mark above his left eyebrow is evidence that their sibling relationship is not always smooth sailing.

Last week I loved Fuga's Prism's confetti portraits, just beautiful.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.