
Shoo cockies!

We have had lots of cockies at our house over the summer with the biggest flock being almost 50 birds. They ate all of our almonds but despite often being caught in the walnut tree we still ended up with a bumper crop which more than filled a big recycling crate with good quality walnuts. The cockies are still around in smaller numbers and Sofia is determined that they go, even though they are now just munching on the grevillea in the front yard.

Last weekend she was up on a chair in the sunroom telling them as loud as she could to "Go away cockies".

"Shoo cockies!"

We even went outside on the verandah but they still didn't seem that bothered.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: boobie!
Otto: pumpkin!

I weaned Sofia a little under a year ago with no fuss so it surprised me a couple of weeks ago when she asked for "boobie". I gently explained that she was a big girl now and no longer needed it and she seemed to accept that. She has repeated the request a couple more times since. When this photo was taken she had her hand way down my top and was yelling "boobie, boobie, boobie!". I will have to be mindful to share some extra cuddles with my big girl.

Otto finally got his hands on some food. He chased the pumpkin around the tray for quite a while before his hands made their way to his mouth (I'll admit it was a little over-cooked for the purpose). So much fun, so much mess, so many tastes to look forward to.

Some favourites for the week are here, here and here.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: loves a slide, the faster the better.
Otto: big boy in the highchair.

Blink and it is the end of the week again. I have taken very few photos since last Sunday, so trusty iPhone snaps it is.

Sofia and I don't often get to hang out just the two of us anymore, but on Saturday afternoon Ian was minding a sleeping Otto so we jumped in the car and went to our old hood and the Pirate Park. The slides from the "ship" are fast and the first time down Sofia shot off the end, landing on her back. There was a split second when I thought she might cry, but instead she dusted herself off, grinned and raced up the stairs for another go.

Otto was six months old on Thursday and I have been thinking I will start him on some food soon. We followed the baby-led approach to solids for Sofia and she will eat practically anything so we will do the same for our bright eyed boy. I have been popping him in the high-chair occasionally to let him get a feel for it. His sitting up isn't very stable yet, but there is a little cushion that you can wedge him in with. There has been some stealth in these sittings as Sofia still uses this chair for breakfast and is quite possessive of "her" things. We may have to move breakfast from the kitchen to the sun-room where her other chair is set up.

Bonus photo! One from the vault - this is Sofia (at the same age as Otto is now) trying out that chair for the first time at Grandad and Granjan's house. There is no Ikea in Hobart, so the chair was bought in Perth while we were there on holiday. I remember her being quite pleased with it.

No favourite link this week, will try harder next time ;)

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: waiting to show Daddy her hat.
Otto: enamoured with his big sister (and a little bit scared too).

We made this crown for Sofia one afternoon this week and when I mentioned she could show it to Daddy when he came home from work she raced to the red chair (that allows her to look out the window and down the path) as if he would be arriving on cue. Unfortunately he was more than an hour off so we called him instead. It was just a voice call (a lot her calls to family are Skype), but it did the trick and by the time he actually arrived home the crown was forgotten. Toddlers really are all about immediacy - this point in time, right now.

Sofia is sitting just out of shot in the photo of Otto. As might be expected he is enamoured with his big sister (and she him) and he likes to watch her, often with a big grin on his face. Sometimes his look of glee turns to terror as she gets a little too rough. The red mark above his left eyebrow is evidence that their sibling relationship is not always smooth sailing.

Last week I loved Fuga's Prism's confetti portraits, just beautiful.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: the last peach.
Otto: wedged under the couch.

In the last few weeks Ian and Sofia have been sharing one of our home grown pears or peaches after dinner. This week saw the last of the peaches eaten - the very last (for a while at least), as the peach tree was removed yesterday. This image is a still from a video I took of Sofia chomping her way through that peach.

Otto added tummy-to-back to his rolling repertoire this week so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to find him far from his quilt and wedged under the couch after turning my back for a minute. I remember Sofia doing the same thing.

Sofia and Otto had their first bath together on Saturday. I had been bathing Otto in our flexibath on the bathroom counter which is great, but I figured it would be fun to get them in the bath together. The bath seat is new and should help to save my ailing back as Otto's sitting isn't very solid yet. I had to find one that would fit his ample thighs! This is the only photo that wasn't a complete blur of bathtime fun:

I know we are supposed to share the link love around, but last week Jodi's portrait of Poet was my favourite.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel.