

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.

Sofia & Otto: Roches Beach in the winter sun

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


Renovation update

Progress continues on the renovation. It's all meant to be finished in about eight weeks from last Monday when these photos were taken but we're not convinced it will be completely finished. There has been quite a bit of progress in some areas.

There is a new wall in what used to be the big  room. Here are the two sides of the wall. The side that is currently just a frame will be covered with bookshelves.

The hallway ceiling has been fitted and the new roof was going on top of this during our site visit.

The window frames have all been installed with the glass being fitted this week. It seems a shame to put glass into this frame.

Some of the cladding is on the back of the new room

The back porch has it's cover

The bathroom has changed quite a lot since we last saw it and is starting to take shape - this is the shower. On the left you can see the window which is currently boarded up but will be fitted with glass so we can watch the sun rise from the shower.

The sunroom has been cleaned out and the carpet removed ready for the floor to be done.

The gas is not quite connected. Tasgas was there trying to put a line under the street using a borer.  Their machine hit a rock which means they have to come back and dig a trench across the whole street which is a much bigger operation.

And the garden is still a building site. Parts of the garden are starting to get overgrown and I need to spend some time doing some weeding, especially as it gets warmer and things start growing again.



Sofia: winter sun at Seven Mile Beach
Otto: cupcakes at Marieville

Ian was in Launceston for work on Saturday so the kids and I prammed it to our other local playground at Marieville Esplanade. 

On the way we stopped in at the (very old school) Sandy Bay Bakery and for once I let Sofia and Otto choose whatever they liked from the wide array of sweet treats. They both went for a butterfly cupcake. The treats didn't last long once we had reached our destination - I think you could say they were happy with their choice.

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


Renovation - over half way

It's been a little while since the last renovation post and that is partly because my phone went for a swim in the bath and I lost everything including all of the photos that were going to go in the post (and all of my phone numbers). So we went back and took the photos again.

The front four rooms in the old  house are well progressed and the floors have now been completed. The floorboards are full of character throughout the house and give some clues as to ow the house has changed over the years.

There is a new wall which splits the big room in two. It isn't complete yet but the stud work is done. On this side of the wall there will be bookshelves. You can see the different wood in the floor which was put in to replace the old fireplace and wall which were removed in 1920.

The new wardrobes have been installed in the main bedroom.

The hallway is being raised towards the back of the house.The frame is installed but the builder hasn't put in the step or the floorboards yet. The floorboards will be recycled from the parts of the house that we demolished.  

This is a new doorway just outside of the bathroom and where the oven used to be in the old kitchen.

The old kitchen is divided in two to make the new bathroom and the new external door shown in the shot above.

This is the view from near the new front door looking all the way down the hallway, through where the toilet used to be. The house looks very long from this angle.

The kids room. No more manky carpet or loud wallpaper. This room is a bit damp so some of the floorboards weren't in great shape .

A north-west facing window in the new room which will let in afternoon sun in the winter.

Another angle on the old toilet. You can also see the new water pipes going under the new hallway floor.

This is the timber cladding for the new room waiting to be treated then attached.

We are also moving our electricity access point to the house as the old wire was ancient and blocked the view. The new wire will come to this post then go underground up the driveway.

A bonus snow shot of the backyard. It snowed for the first time since we've been in the house so I snuck round after dropping the kids at childcare for some snaps. Some of the snow had melted by then but it still looked pretty.



A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.

Sofia & Otto: the sunglasses edition

It was a beautiful sunny day on Saturday so we packed a simple picnic and headed to Richmond and "Australia's oldest known large stone arch bridge" to enjoy the rays.

Otto didn't eat much of his lunch - too busy chasing gulls. His shark glasses (a bnib $2 score at the op shop) have been a big hit. As Ian said, "a little bit Elton".

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


Simple Pleasures #11 - rolling

During our recent visit to Melbourne we spent a lot of time at Birrarung Marr. It is a great park with a playground, lots of public art and a great big grassy hill - perfect for a bit of rolling!

(If you are viewing this post from an email you might have to click on the title to view the post in your browser to see the video.)



A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.

Sofia: b-girl of the future? Note: that's b-girl as in break dancing, not the other sort that comes up when you google ;)
Otto: taking a break during our visit to NGV Australia

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.



A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.

Sofia & Otto: enjoying Melbourne

We travelled to Melbourne for a short break late last week. Lots of catching up with friends, riding on trams, eating (dumplings!) and soaking up the sights and sounds. I have already shared these images on instagram, but thought I would post them here too. They aren't the usual individual portraits, but they do capture a little of the fun that was had.

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.