

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: wiping the bench, it still amazes me that this girl loves to clean.
Otto: embracing the ceremony of "cheers" with a clink of cups - repeatedly. Luckily Granjan is happy to oblige.

Well we have come to the end of the series - my, how they have grown! I had thought to reference my 1/52 with similar settings for the final portraits and while Sofia is found once again helping in the kitchen, Otto wouldn't have a bar of lying quietly on the bed as he had done when he was a couple of months old. In fact he is often a blur in photos these days as he tears around the place, so I resorted to a good old highchair shot.

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


Grey (white) goshawk

One of the special birds that visits our yard, mostly in the summer time, is the Grey goshawk. Grey goshawks come in both grey and white morphs on the mainland, but in Tasmania all grey goshawks are white. Here is a not very good photo of today's visitor sitting on the power line in front of our house. Apparently they don't like having their photo taken as this is not the first time that I've taken a bad photo of one that was quite close and sitting still. 

 Grey (white) goshawk

I would have had another snap at it but was distracted by the fairywrens right in front of me. With three days to go it was the first time I'd seen them in our garden this year. I also managed to take a bad photo of the fairy wrens.

Superb fairywren

There are a lot of young wattlebirds around our yard at the moment and this seems to be a young Yellow wattlebird feeding in the big grevillea in our front yard. If you zoom in you can see its tongue poking out as it has been getting nectar from the flowers.

Yellow wattlebird feeding in the grevillea



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: berry stained cheek, tongs in hand - helping her aunts in the kitchen.
Otto: wanting to help water the garden.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: selfie - about the only way I can get a photo of her at the moment.
Otto: reaching, reaching.

Some iPhone shots this week, struggling to get the 'big' camera out lately. Only two more weeks to go in the project. I don't think I can commit to photos every week next year, but have been considering other options. Maybe a '12' project with monthly portraits would be the way to go.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: creating.
Otto: all teeth and tongue at the moment.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.


White-faced Heron

A very unexpected visitor yesterday. This White-faced Heron came and hunted round our front yard for an hour or so. This photo was taken through the sunroom window as it hunted in the grass.


Looks like a good berry season

We have a number of different types of berries growing wild in our yard - and we've never worked out what they all are. They don't get much attention so anything we get from them is a bonus. A lot of the unknown berries are eaten as they are picked or end up as jam. There are also red currants which are a bit of an acquired taste.

Our favourite is definitely the raspberries which grow just outside our back door. The first year we were here there was quite a good harvest. Last year was a warmer, drier season and we were competing with Sofia and the chickens so we hardly saw any. This year we have had a very wet winter and spring and all of our berry bushes are covered in fruit.

The raspberries are almost ripe so to make sure we actually get to eat some raspberries this year, this afternoon I netted them.

In fact, the first few raspberries are already ripe but we haven't eaten them yet.

I also went to check the berries that have found themselves inside the netted veggie patch and there were a few ripe ones there too, but not exactly sure what they are (Loganberries?).

I picked five and we all tried one, including Otto. They probably could do with a little bit longer to sweeten up but they were very yummy.

The red currants are also almost ready to go and Sofia has noticed, so I imagine there will be plenty of red currant munching sessions in the next few weeks as she loved them last summer.

So much more yummy food to come...



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Sofia: pensive in the morning sun.
Otto: tip-toeing through the tulips flower filled grass.

These photos were taken this morning, the first day of summer.

Linking with the 52 Project at Che & Fidel

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.