We have a new addition to Sofia's playground - a slide!
I was on my laptop the other night looking through the latest local
freecycle offerings when I came across a posting for "Toddler climbing cube with slide and Toddler car - Sandy Bay". The items had been posted a couple of hours before I read the email (and things usually get snapped up pretty quickly), but despite this I replied to the poster and was happy to receive a response the next morning to say the items were ours if we wanted them. We arranged a pickup time for that day and conveniently the pickup address was a mere two streets away.
Ian came along for the pickup, which was lucky as it took a bit of brute force to dismantle the slide. We got it home and he gave it a good clean with the hose while Sofia supervised ...
... and then re-assembled it.
Sofia immediately tried it out - head first!
Followed by a more conventional ride.
There was also a toddler car which Sofia hasn't shown much interest in yet so it is parked in the garage for the time being.
After the fun, Sofia got back to work - there were many leaves to rake.