

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.
Sofia: where did my little girl go?
Otto: I love watching him sleep

Otto still has his middle-of-the day nap and so it was pretty easy to sneak in a take a few snaps. More difficult to resist tickling those toes peaking out. There is nothing quite like watching your baby sleep, even if your 'baby' is two and a bit.

It also gave me a chance to document the crazy wallpaper in the kids' room - not long now until we move out and the renovation works begin in earnest. I think I will actually miss its cheery yellow-ness.

Thanks to Jodi for hosting the 52 project at practising simplicity

You can click on the button (here or in the side bar) to see all my 52 posts.

1 comment:

  1. they grow up so fast, don't they!? there is nothing like a sleeping child. that wallpaper is totally cool!
